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A World That Gets Barely Noticed

And we are just getting to know it better

Details can tell otherwise when I look at the vivid plant pots in my backyard.

The bloom of different flowers and the elongation of other stems are signs of interconnectivity. If not by the leaves or stems, most probable by the roots.

Even in a tiny microbiome area, bacteria and fungi have their role as root exchangers. They negotiate with root hairs for their support and shelter. In exchange, the fungi break down the organic manner to facilitate root absorption. This action not just helps the plant to grow but also develops a mutual relationship.

Not even a single organism is independent of others of the same ecosystem.

Following the same thought, if you ignore the root's existence, flowers wouldn't bloom, leaves wouldn't grow to become food factories, and stems would not expand to provide sustention and flexibility.

These pots positioned next to each other are small compared to a forest: an organism with various functions where competition for light is still a luxury and water reliance a priority.

I may be wrong, but this environment is under my control. If it is dry outside, I should concern about the water intake to keep the plants alive. If it is too wet, I should worry about the soil structure. It could also be clay or sandy. I could quickly suffocate, overdo, and not pay attention to the plant's changes in a pot.

Although plants may grow according to the environment outside and underground, soil preparation should be the most crucial feature. Nature takes millions of years to build the soil structure—each biome with diverse microbiome composition.

Soil is the blanket of a well-succeeded seed, warming the embryo to activate its germination process. Just like your mother's womb: temperature and serenity are amongst the most important properties for successful growth.

This pot theory may be sufficient to create awareness about plants and their environment, consecutively ours. Fast growth reactions can be seen during changes in a plant pot. A leaf turns yellow, the soil has sunburn spots, flowers are not blooming, and stems are full of aphids.

My garden - credit: T. Miranda 2021

These reactions are all signs of how well you, the controller, prepared the soil beforehand and watered it adequately. Only then plants can develop defence mechanisms to deal with such challenges. It is an example of care right at your face. The same applies to our world.

Although this world of plant pots is a small biosphere, there are little details that we overlook. Sometimes we don't even bother to have these pots around us, but they could easily teach you how to respect nature in a fast-paced learning process, I might say.

Whatever we do, plants in pots can communicate in a short span. It may not be vocally, but definitely by signs of "suffering" or "comforting" (mind my anthropomorphism). Or simply by showing their beautiful flowers and leaves.

Therefore, I could easily use this plant pot concept to analogy our world of climate desperation and people's displacement. The worst thing is that it is evident, and some continue to ignore it.

Would you leave your beloved plant pots without water during the hot summer? Would you leave them without coverage during the worst of frosts (unless they are frost tolerant)? Would you allow the aphids to tap into the plant leaves without a remediate action (or contract a professional killer, such as ladybugs)?

Probably not. Then, why not just think globally and see how much impact we are creating in the colossal organism we live in called planet Earth?